Monday, April 14, 2014

This Is How We Live

    I think the essay by Ellen DeGeneres was really easy to connect with. It also brought up the argument, is technology not good for society. The main part of the essay was on cell phones. Phones are a vital piece of technology that has allowed us to get in contact with someone far away. I think phones create hazards but can also be used as a vital piece of technology. If you get stuck on the side of the rode, all you have to do is call a tow truck or person you know. Before phones you would have to wait for a cop to go by and help you out.
    Though like Ellen pointed out, phones can also be dangerous. Now that they are wireless you can use phones while doing any activity. Phones can create a huge distraction while driving or when your trying to get homework done. This brings up the argument, is all technology good?

Monday, March 31, 2014

Five Entertainment

      Defining entertainment can get confusing but the short essay Five Entertainment on page 419 breaks it down to help us understand. The first assumption was entertainment is just for fun. This can be argued against because we are entertained daily by things we may not like, for example, the news. Also, you may not find your favorite sport team losing but you are still entertained, that's why you stay through out the anger.
      The second assumption is, entertainment is a reflection of culture. Again, this can be true and false at the same time. A lot of culture enjoy different TV shows or activities that other cultures may not like. For example, Some cultures like the south are stereotyped for liking NASCAR. Although some other cultures view it as boring.
       Third, states entertainment is a personal choice. Again entertainment is more than a personal because your choice is limited too the choice of the people making the entertainment. You only get a choice of TV shows that the producers chose to make. On the other hand, you personally choose what shows to watch and what games to play. Just like the other assumptions this one can go either way.
        Even though the broke down entertainment into three assumptions of what it could be, its hard to put it in just one category. There is arguments going either way for both assumptions which makes it hard to understand the word fully. Personally I find it really confusing because there are a lot of good arguments concerning what entertainment is.

Monday, February 24, 2014


  During the week I chose to observe the gym just to get a sense of how to observe and what to look for. I notices there were a lot of technology placed around the gym. Lined up against the back left wall were treadmills. On the treadmills were T.V's for people to enjoy while they run. That's a big step forward in technology, making working out a little bit exciting. Also the bench machines have changed a lot in the last couple of years. Instead of trying to balance the weight bar yourself, now the machines does it for you so you can focus on the work out. That was also a big step in technology that some people may not of noticed, also making the bench safer.
  Second, a lot of people bring their own technology to the gym. For example, more than half of the people were using headphones. Of the people using headphones, only about 30 percent were using ear buds, the rest had the new headphones that cove your ears. Also, there was the occasional people who brought their Ipad with them to work out.
 Near the end of my observation I understood working out has changed a lot, all because of new technology. Some people might argue the change is bad and is not working as good like the old machines. On the other hand, a lot of people seemed to enjoy the new technology that was added to the machines.

Monday, February 17, 2014

It takes a Tribe

     I thought the short essay It takes a tribe, by David Berreby, had really good arguments explaining stereotypes. He supported his arguments by telling stories of running into different kinds of people. I feel anyone reading this can make connections with their everyday lives.  A lot of people, especially in college, tend to connect with a certain type of group stereotyping everyone else. On page 121, David argues people will risk their lives for a certain group they feel a part of. In most cases this is true, I would like to think I would step in and help a friend who is in danger. The question is though, would you risk your life for someone you do not know? That's when things get a little harder.
     As described in the essay, people tend to hesitate when it is someone they don't know. I found interesting in one of the studies is, we identify with the groups which we are accidently placed in. Also, I noticed a lot of the studies had to do with college students and experiences. I have noticed, and probably done this myself, people tend to try and fit in with the crowd. They way you act in class is probably not the way you act around family or at home. In all, stereotype affects people, making them not like someone or assume before they even meet. Either way you define it will take a long time before it goes away.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Collage, Making Memories Every Day

Thinking about all the ideas I could make my collage about, I decided to do it about friends and family. When making my collage I decided to put a family tree as my background, letting me show who is more important. At the very top of my collage I put a quote, "Everyday is a Memory". To me, this quote is saying spend time with the people you care about, those are the people who are going to have long lasting memories in your life. Below the quote I start off with my Parents and sister. Out of everyone they mean the most to me. In a sense, they are the ones who helped shaped me today. Following my parents come my family. I spend every holiday and Birthday with them, making us a really close family. They have taught me a lot of things in life so I am glad we are all so close. After my family I chose to put my two neighbors which I have known my whole life. Together we learned to play every sport. Growing up we have decided to get into fishing which has been a positive influence in my life. Also, I feel we helped make each other who we are today. Right down from our lifestyles, to what we find funny. Last, I put some activities that I enjoy doing like bike riding, tubing, and soccer. Hopefully from this you found some things out about me.

Thomas Hellmuth

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hellmuth High School Secret Life

In the short story, High School's Secret Life, by Emily White, was a good story that I feel students can connect to. I can relate to this story because after going through high school I know finding a seat at lunch can be hard. In the story Emily stated while looking for her to friends, "sitting on the sidelines now, I can still feel the adolescent loneliness in my guts." Feeling the emotions go through you, I can seriously say nobody like that feeling. High school is suppose to be a good time in your life, growing up getting a little bit more responsibilities. For example, getting your licensee is one of the biggest moments in high school.
This story was able to bring out the side that a lot of people have gone through. It was amazing to see how her cafeteria was the same as mine. Most of the kids sat with people of the same background, and never really tried to branch out. In conclusion, it was nice to be able to connect to a story like that, which brought back so many memories.